Helicopter, heavy lifting services

Helicopter, heavy lifting services

In today's world, there is an increasing need to install and position equipment (e.g.,relay antennas, air conditioners) in locations that are inaccessible from the ground, often at heights of several tens of meters. These tasks can be most efficiently and precisely accomplished from the air, with the assistance of a helicopter.

Introducing the service

Take the burden off your shoulders!
Helicopter Heavy Lifting Services

Our extensive experience provides a solid foundation for developing the most suitable solutions for our clients.

We have created a thematic website where we have summarized the most important information related to helicopter heavy lifting.

If you are facing any of the challenges mentioned above, do not hesitate to contact us through any of our available contact channels.





The key to our success is safety. In helicopter lifting operations, we pay special attention to preparing the load to be lifted. At our base, Kiskunlacháza-Bankháza Airport, we always perform a test lift for each case.



No two helicopter lifts are the same. Every task is unique. We custom-manufacture the – certified – ropes used for lifting the equipment. The lifting kit is assembled based on the parameters of the location and the equipment.



For every helicopter lift, we recommend cost-effective helicopters to our clients. We only use a foreign aircraft if the task exceeds the lifting capacity of our own helicopter.



After signing the contract, our clients don't have to deal with obtaining permits for helicopter lifting. Thanks to our 30 years of professional relationships, the usually 30-40 day permitting period can be reduced in most cases.



We have summarized the recommended types and their maximum lifting capacity for helicopter lifting tasks in the table below. It's important to emphasize that each task is different, so the safely lift-able maximum weight may differ from what is stated in the table. We cannot ignore the limiting factors caused by weather conditions: high temperatures, strong winds. Considering these factors, it's generally advisable to define a time interval for helicopter lifting rather than a specific time.


Mi-2 helicopter

Mi-8 helicopter

Mi-8MTV helicopter

Mi-26T helicopter - Temporarily unavailable!










Gallery: Helicopter, heavy lifting services

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