Attila Illés

Attila Illés
Technical Support

In my main job, I work as a bodywork locksmith, and at HeliForce, I handle the ground support for the pilot and the helicopter. These mainly involve additional tasks arising during passenger flights and demonstration flights.

I met Lujó at the dog school, where I teach obedience and tracking tasks for dogs, and he brought their adopted dog to us.

Once, he came up with the idea of doing a helicopter demonstration with dogs, and at first, I didn't understand what he was talking about! That's when I found out he was a helicopter pilot. We did the demonstration, and later, we started working together at the airport, and I've been here for 8 years now. I'm happy to do any work around Heli; some people go to entertainment venues for relaxation and recharging, but I prefer the airport.

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