Operations manager (locomotive smoke for jet fuel)
I can proudly declare that as a transportation engineer, aviation has always been close to my heart. However, in reality, this closeness was limited to living on the same floor in the dormitory with students majoring in air traffic control...
I became involved in aviation and the work of Forgószárny Kft. as an outsider, but this connection dates back more than 10 years now. I don't deny that I was instantly captivated by the smell of kerosene, and I haven't let go since.
My responsibilities include organizing the day-to-day activities of the company, as well as maintaining relationships with clients and regulatory authorities. I am convinced that without a well-organized, dedicated we couldn't navigate the path we've set with the Heliforce team.
Our motto is that it's not enough to be good; we must strive to be the best!